Golden Clover Hunt
Golden Clover Hunt

2024 Clover Hunt will begin July 12. On that date the first clue will be given. A new clue will be posted each week day and continue until July 25 when the last clue will be given.

Clues given:
Clue #1, Friday, July 12
If you seek the clover and its bounty Be respectful of the public ground, and stay in Riley County During the week clues shall come around Right up until the fair, or until my shiny friend is found
Clue #2, Monday, July 15
Sew it, Grow it, Show it is the theme on which we stand Remember for this search, there is no digging on the land 4-H'ers come out from all over our beautiful place They come to showcase their labors in the CiCo Park place
Clue #3, Tuesday, July 16
The Riley County fair always brings the heat With food trucks, drink stands, and almost every conceivable treat If I had to guess where that stubborn thing might lay I'd be studying our cities past and how its honored to this today
Clue #4, Wednesday, July 17
My Oh My does this fair have it all Interested in the scone baking contest, give the Extension Office a call I know you're hungry for a relevant clue So once stood a college that used the name Blue
Clue #5, Thursday, July 18
If its LEGO you seek, or art by the masses Take part in the photo contest w/ a windmill surrounded by grasses My shiny golden object is the size of a flat tennis ball He has magic powers and can stick to a wall
Clue #6, Friday, July 19
Get to the fair for a stroll or a ride but don't forget about the amazing exhibits inside I wish families had more time to research, play, and study history This way the Morrill Act wouldn't be such a mystery
Clue #7, Monday, July 22
Man, you should see our 4-H'ers in action they always turn out in droves, they're the main attraction when it comes down to it, there's tables close by for six If mans best friend is along, clean up, and there's plenty of sticks
phone: (785) 537-6350
fax: (785) 537-6353
Riley County Fair Board
110 Courthouse Plaza
Manhattan, KS 66502
© 2025 Riley County Fair Board